Segala Ada Shop

A Trusted Online Shop in Indonesia which try to provide all things you need.

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Kitkat Rum (Alkohol) box

Kitkat Jepang memang enak untuk dinikmati. Banyak jenisnya, bisa pilih. Salah satu favorit adalah Kitkat Box Rhum (mengandung Alkohol)

Kitkat Box Rhum (Alkohol)

Harga: Rp. 170.000
Lokasi pengiriman: Jakarta
Kurir: Tiki

Segala Ada Shop
Wechat: segalaadashop
Whatsapp/Viber: 088210010044
pin: 766C4711
Line iD: cs.segalaadashop

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Bento Lunch: Sehat dan Cute

Anak Anda susah makan? Pengen anak Anda gak makan junk food terus?
Cobain deh Bento Lunch dari kami.

Dengan bentuk lucu yang bisa direquest sesuai keinginan Anda, anak-anak bakal senang memakan makanan ini.

Semua bahan dibuat tanpa bahan pengawet ataupun bahan berbahaya.
Sayur dan buah semuanya pilihan.

Isi bento:

nasi hainan/kuning (1porsi orang dewasa), mie, nugget tahu/ayam/kekian/ayam krispi, sosis brutweiss, buah.

Semuanya makanan sehat, tanpa pengawet dan MSG.

Pengiriman di bawah jam 12 siang, ongkir sesuai jarak (Bandung only).

Yang mau tanya-tanya or ikut order, please feel free to contact us.

Beberapa contoh karakter bento lunch kami:

Bento Lunch Karakter Angry Birds Pig

Bento Lunch Karakter Angry Birds Pig

Bento Lunch Karakter Couples

Bento Lunch Karakter Couples

Bento Lunch Karakter Doraemon

Bento Lunch Karakter Doraemon

Bento Lunch Karakter Fish

Bento Lunch Karakter Fish

Bento Lunch Karakter Hello Kitty

Bento Lunch Karakter Hello Kitty

Bento Lunch Karakter Piyo Piyo

Bento Lunch Karakter Piyo Piyo

Bento Lunch Karakter Shaun the Sheep

Bento Lunch Karakter Shaun the Sheep

Bento Lunch Karakter Spiderman

Bento Lunch Karakter Spiderman

Bento Lunch Karakter Spongebob

Bento Lunch Karakter Spongebob

Bento Lunch Karakter Tinkerbell

Bento Lunch Karakter Tinkerbell

Bento Lunch Karakter Mickey Mouse

Bento Lunch Karakter Mickey Mouse

Bento Lunch Karakter Finding Nemo

Bento Lunch Karakter Finding Nemo

Bento Lunch Character Baby Cow

Bento Lunch Character Baby Cow

Bento Lunch Bee

Bento Lunch Bee

Bento Lunch Car

Bento Lunch Car

Bento Lunch Donald Duck

Bento Lunch Donald Duck

Bento Lunch Dreaming Bear

Bento Lunch Dreaming Bear

Bento Lunch Frog

Bento Lunch Frog

Bento Lunch Kitty 2

Bento Lunch Kitty 2

Bento Lunch Minion Despicable Me

Bento Lunch Minion Despicable Me

Bento Lunch Naruto

Bento Lunch Naruto

Bento Lunch Ninja GO

Bento Lunch Ninja GO

Bento Lunch Ninja Turtle

Bento Lunch Ninja Turtle

Bento Lunch Piggy

Bento Lunch Piggy

Bento Lunch Sarang Burung

Bento Lunch Sarang Burung

Bento Lunch Sleeping Bear

Bento Lunch Sleeping Bear

Bento Lunch Sylvester

Bento Lunch Sylvester

Bento Lunch Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Bento Lunch Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Bento Lunch Sports Ball

Bento Lunch Sports Ball

Sebagian Testimony Lunch Bento:

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Testimony Lunch Bento Karakter

Info dan pemesanan:
Segala Ada Shop
Email: segalaadashop
SMS / Whatsapp:
pin: 766C4711
Line: cs.segalaadashop